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PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY with the drug "FOTODITAZIN” is successfully used in combination treatment of the following cases:

  • decubituses
  • firearm wound of soft tissues
  • trophic ulcers
  • septic wounds
  • persistent wounds

Treatment of these injuries cause considerable difficulties and demands application systemic and topical agents of different pharmacological groups. Technical simplicity of performance, pathogenetic validity and high efficiency distinguish PDT in comparison with traditional treatments.

According to clinical, planimetric and morphological studies of PDT with the gel "FOTODITAZIN” for the treatment of ulcers promotes acceleration of wound cleansing from the devitalized tissue, normalization of microcirculatory disorders , enhancement phagocytosis , pacing of fibroblast proliferation , maturation of granulation tissue and epithelialization of the ulcer.

Сombination treatment of patients with persistent wounds using high-energy laser radiation, laser photodynamic therapy, cold laser therapy and biologically active wound coverings according to clinical , pathophysiological , cytological, histological, microbiological and biophysical studies is pathogenetically proved and highly effective and by 1,5 - 2 times reduces terms of scarring and epithelialization persistent wounds.

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Tumor fragment surrounded by healthy tissue cells
PHOTODITAZINE injection. Selective accumulation in tumor
Affected tissue irradiation with long-wave red radiation
Reactive oxygen species formation. Induction of necrosis in tumor cells
Selective death of tumor cells surrounded by healthy tissue